
Age 39, Other


Victoria, BC

Joined on 12/2/00

Exp Points:
50,839 / 100,000
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10.02 votes
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poxpower's News

Posted by poxpower - April 25th, 2011

Sweet I'm king of the portal this month. Or week. Or however long it lasts. Thanks, universe.

Anyway to thank you guys ( lol sure ) I've decided to let you vote on what I'm going to be doing as a challenge next month on here: http://www.thepoxbox.com/

So pick one of these:

1. Run a mile in less than 9 minutes ( keep in mind I have never ran / jogged at any point in my life )
2. Get to 5% body fat ( I'm at 8-9% for now )
3. Draw every anatomy photo in this 240+ page anatomy book: http://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Artist-S arah-Simblet/dp/078948045X
More info here: http://www.thepoxbox.com/challenges.ph p?id=choosemay

Vote now and I'll do whichever one is most popular!
Post here or comment on my site... if that shit even works...

King of Portal + Vote for my next month

Posted by poxpower - April 6th, 2011

Blah time to work out blah.

http://www.thepoxbox.com/challenges.ph p?id=workout

If you're a teenager you might want to check out this stuff: http://www.scoobysworkshop.com/gaining Muscle.htm

Things you can do with almost no money and that mommy and daddy will let you do.


Posted by poxpower - March 21st, 2011

So the Tsunami Fighter game has been spreading decently thank to how awesome Tom was for putting it on the frontage for so long. It has over 750k views by now so hopefully SOME people donated through it.
At the very least, Mofunzone put up 1000$ for it and Andkon, 300$.

If you're wondering, no, we didn't make any money with the game.
Thanks to everyone who played and everyone who donated and thanks to every site who stole it! For once your thievery helped someone. Hopefully.

I wish the people of Fukushima the best. Several workers have already died trying to prevent a meltdown.

It's not too late to donate a buck or two: http://www.americares.org/whatwedo/eme rgency/japan/japan-earthquake-tsunami.

If you're wondering why anyone should help a rich nation like Japan, remember that they donated over 13 million dollars to help the victims of Katrina. Many countries gave the USA, the richest nation in history, millions of dollars.

Your money doesn't go towards helping "Japan", it goes towards helping people in need.

Tsunami Game

Posted by poxpower - March 3rd, 2011

I'll spend the month trying to make myself have a lucid dream.
http://www.thepoxbox.com/art.php?id=lu ciddreaming
Go to my site to learn how and maybe try it with me! WE COULD TEAM UP

Also tell me about some dreams you've had so I can make fun of you.

Lucid Dreaming

Posted by poxpower - February 23rd, 2011

Posted by poxpower - February 10th, 2011

I made a list of 10 awful women no man should want to get with ever.

http://www.thepoxbox.com/what.php?id=w orstwomen


Worst women ew

Posted by poxpower - January 31st, 2011

I'm going to spend February not enjoying any of the entertainment I usually enjoy! No video games or watching new episodes of my favorite tv shows like The Office, 30Rock and Peter North Bones America's Dirtiest Grannies.

Feel free to try it out for yourselves, though I'm sure none of you have the willpower to achieve ANYTHING ANYWAY.

http://www.thepoxbox.com/challenges.ph p?id=nofun

No entertainment month

Posted by poxpower - January 11th, 2011

I made an online test that will tell you what kind of unicorn you would be if you were one! This can help you big time in every day life.

http://www.thepoxbox.com/what.php?id=u nicorntype

Oh yeah and it's 2011

What Kind of Unicorn Are You?

Posted by poxpower - October 19th, 2010


Carve n' Share

The game Roger Ebert once called "breathtaking".
The next big Uwe Boll theatrical release.

"Two thumbs way way up!"
- Tom Hanks*

"The game that defined my generation"
- Tim, future inventor of the time machine.

* Tom Hanks may or may not be Tom Hanks the sanitation worker from Georgia and not the famous actor.

Posted by poxpower - October 16th, 2009

So I put in a "challenges" section on my web page that documents some of the stupid things I've done this year.
http://www.thepoxbox.com/challenges.ph p?id=challengesmain

I'd like to turn that website into a showcase of what NG users can do besides suck. So if you have an idea for something you'd like to do or write about and want to be featured somewhere on my website ( I don't pretend it's a big honor, it's just for fun ) then drop me a line.

- stories. No one cares.
- anything serious. No one cares.
- flash games/ movies / lone drawings
- people under 18.

preferred: Challenge yourself to do something crazy, keep a log on it and then let's have fun with that!

In other news, Go buy the Year of Manliness. It's a calendar. It kicks ass and I did 2 of the month's drawings. 12x12 inches, full-color and totally awesome. Support Maddox, a guy who ran a hugely popular website with millions of views for a decade WITHOUT PUTTING UP A SINGLE AD TNE ENTIRE TIME.
Holy fuck can anyone be more dedicated to kicking ass? Yes. By making this calendar.

Calendar of Manliness + Challenges