Holy shit dude
I don't have a problem with most of the stuff in the game but here's some things that would make it better IMO:
1. With "perception", indicate the direction that the C4 will blow in. Just showing it as a strip doesn't help at all. Same goes for the road spikes. Just show them as a strip instead of a little icon.
2. Don't make the car rebound so much when you crash. Right now, each crash chains you into like 2-3 more crashes.
3. The helicopter is downright unfair. He follows you so that means you have to drive straight in front of a sign for long enough for him to get in front of you and shoot at you and then and only then will he hit the sign. Basically to get him under a sign, you have to cross his path at some point and he'll shoot you. There's virtually no way to destroy him without taking damage. I've played enough to kill it like 50 times by now and I've managed to get him to crash into a sign without being shot like twice.
4. Show car wrecks with "perception" because it's pretty useless if you try to dodge the soldiers only to just crash into cars and buses
5. Put a "reverse". When you come to a halt in front of a bus / truck, you can't get out and you just crash into it... so weird
6. Maybe put a health bar? Or optional one? It's easy enough to tell if you're close to dying but it's hard to know what causes what kind of damage. Since it's so impossibly hard to avoid taking damage, it would at least be useful to know how to take LESS of it : P
I've played until I had all the upgrades and just finishing the first mission is just about impossible. Admit it, it's ridiculously hard : D
I don't know if it was meant to be that insane for just "The Great Escape". If that's the easiest mission, then I don't even want to know how hard the rest is haha.
That being said, it's a really immersing and addicting game. You can tell a lot of work went into the audio and the graphics, but sadly most people won't see most of it because they'll just die within 5 seconds of playing : P