Well as none of you remember, I had people vote for what I'd do for May this year.
( last news post )
It was between going down to 5% body fat, running a 9 minute mile or drawing every photo from an Anatomy book for artists.
Naturally, people figured out that a granny can run a 9 minute mile and that watching someone going down to 5% body fat is more scary than entertaining, so they picked the Anatomy thing.
It took me roughly 20 days to get it all done. If you're wondering why it took this long to post the Flash, it's because I had a lot of other crap to deal with in the meantime ( like this well-meaning horror) and this is also the first thing I made in AS3 and AS3 sucks balls so there.
Go check out both parts here:
warning: contains penises
warning: and boobs
If you're interested in me doing more stupid challenges, you could suggest some in there:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 52732
Or just post here, whatever.
Here's my favorite drawing from the whole Anatomy deal. I don't know why, I just love this.
I like the fact that you don't warn about the few vaginas you see on there.
Just an extra bonus surprise for ya