You know what annoys me? People who insist on putting an entire week's worth of groceries through them. For no apparent reason besides their crippling fear of interacting with a human being while in a store.
Seriously, these things were made to make paying for your shit faster. Y'know, so that people who only have a few things to buy and need to be doing something USEFUL with the rest of their day don't have to sit in the damn lines. The amount of times I've had to sit and wait for the 4 people using the machines to finish glitching the fuck out of them and then taking a LITERAL hour to pack all their stuff into bags after they finish scanning it (yes, people here are so dumb they can't handle scanning and bagging at the same time) completely destroys the whole reason to have the machines in the first place.
We need to enforce a 10 item maximum on self-checkout machines. Like, right now.
Too stoned to read, but I like ur guide :)