Should've just direct linked to it <a href=""> /ngbbs4edfb2f67dfb7.jpg</a>
Age 40, Other
Victoria, BC
Joined on 12/2/00
Should've just direct linked to it <a href=""> /ngbbs4edfb2f67dfb7.jpg</a>
I thought you were talking about Jonnys man tits.
Google search shall now commence.
WTF pox... Dam I would have loved to join the drawling comp, I have been drawling Abobo ever since Tom announced the game a couple days ago (wish i had herd of this game sooner, sorry I don't get out much ) EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT GAME IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!
I can't stop visiting the abobo website, and that cabnit is fucking amazing!
P.S. the game comes out on my birthday, I know its not a coincidence :P
Well you may get your chance to draw again after the game is out. Who knows
I disagree with 1/4/7/8 although I only have a better response for 1.
To be honest here though, I used to go to a high school in quebec, and everyone in that school was just an honest high school dropout. all they did was do drugs in the class.
And i've been to many french canadian high schools, usa schools > canadian schools
I frickin love Mike Myers. I don't care how terrible some of his movies have been. That man is hilarious and can father my babies any time he wants.
And yes, you are better than Maddox. with your lesbian pirates.
Elisha Cuthbert is enough reason to love Canada.
Been a while since I've done anything on Newgrounds buuuuuuuuut, seriously, had to stop by and say congrats on Abobo's Big Adventure. Professionally done, best game on the site.
Cheers man.
I will be back
"I live in Canada, therefore Canada rules."
An inarguable fact! You win!
Congrats to the winners of the Abobo art contest and good luck to allz youz guyz on launching the best Flash game ever!!!
Yeah now to figure out poster nonsense... weee